- TitelAn o-Yes from the court of heaven to the northern nations : By The Streaming Lights that have appeared of late Years in the Air; or Mathematical Reasons, Shewing, That the said lights, &c. are no less than supernatural. Presented to the Royal Society and Others
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- AnmerkungBraces in title. - Dedication signed: J.W. - English Short Title Catalog, T13230. - Price from imprint: price Three-Pence. - Reproduction of original from British Library
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Zum Zitieren der Quelle finden Sie folgend die empfohlene Quellenangabe. - QuellenangabeJ. W: An o-Yes from the court of heaven to the northern nations : By The Streaming Lights that have appeared of late Years in the Air; or Mathematical Reasons, Shewing, That the said lights, &c. are no less than supernatural. [...]. London : printed for the author, and sold at the writing-school in Sun-Street, without Bishopsgate, 1741. / Gemeinfrei