- TitelThe World's Catastrophe, or, Europes many Mutations untill, 1666 : The Fate of Englands Monarchy untill its Subversion, Government of the VVorld under God by the seven Planetery Angels; their Names, Times of Government. An exact Type of the Three Svns seen in Cheshire and Shropshire, 3. april 1647. Their Signification and Portent, Astrologically handled / By William Lilly (Student in Astrologie)
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- Umfang[3] Blatt, 71 Seiten
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Zum Zitieren der Quelle finden Sie folgend die empfohlene Quellenangabe. - QuellenangabeThe World's Catastrophe, or, Europes many Mutations untill, 1666 : The Fate of Englands Monarchy untill its Subversion, Government of the VVorld under God by the seven Planetery Angels; their Names, Times of Government. [...] / By William Lilly (Student in Astrologie). London : printed for John Partridge, and Humphrey Blunden ; London : sold at Cock, 1647. / Gemeinfrei