- TitelThe Causes Of Heat And Cold In The Several Climates and Situations of this Globe : so far as they depend upon the Rays of the Sun, Considered In Order to shew that the Difference of Heat and Cold in other Countries may be nearly ascertained by a Thermometer : as it was Read to the Royal Society / by T. Sheldrake, Author of the Herbal
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- Umfang1 Bildtafel, 2 ungezählte Seiten, 42 Seiten, 2 ungezählte Seiten 1 Bildtafel
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Zum Zitieren der Quelle finden Sie folgend die empfohlene Quellenangabe. - QuellenangabeThe Causes Of Heat And Cold In The Several Climates and Situations of this Globe : so far as they depend upon the Rays of the Sun, Considered In Order to shew that the Difference of Heat and Cold in other Countries may be nearly ascertained [...] / by T. Sheldrake, Author of the Herbal. London : Printed for and sold by the Author at the Black-boy in the Strand near St. Martins-Lane, and by M. Cooper in Pater-noster-Row, M DCC LVI. / Gemeinfrei