Technical report / COSMO priority project "Further Developments of the Runge-Kutta Time Integration Scheme" (RK) : final report / by M. Baldauf ... Offenbach am Main : DWD, 2009
- 4 2.1 Task 1: Looking at pressure bias
- 15 2.2 Task 2: Continue RK case studies
- 21 2.3 Task 3: A Tool for Testing Conservation Properties in the COSMO-Model
- 24 2.4 Task 4: Advection of moisture quantities in conservation form
- 26 2.5 Task 5: Investigation of convergence
- 36 2.6 Task 6: Deep valleys + Task 7: Different filter options for orography
- 38 2.7 Task 8: Higher order discretization in the vertical
- 39 2.8 Task 9: Physics coupling scheme
- 39 2.9 Task 10: Testing of alternative fast wave scheme
- 42 2.10 Task 13: Divergence damping in a true 3D-version
- 42 2.11 Task 14: Digital Filter Initialization (DFI)
- 44 2.12 Open points
- 44 2.13 Resources used
- 44 2.14 Lessons learned