Technical report / The COSMO Priority Project T2 (RC)2 : Testing and Tuning of Revised Cloud Radiation Coupling : final Report / Deutscher Wetterdienst ; Project participants: H. Muskatel, U. Blahak, P. Khain, A. Shtivelman, M. Raschendorfer, M. Kohler, D. Rieger, O. Fuhrer, X. Lapillonne, G. Rivin, N. Chubarova, M. Shatunova, A. Poliukhov, A. Kirsanov, T. Andreadis, S. Gruber. [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], April 2021
Technical reportThe COSMO Priority Project T2 (RC)2
- Vorderdeckel
- Titelblatt
- 2 Contents
- 5 1. Introduction
- 6 2. Tasks and achievements
- 7 3. New optical properties for water droplets and ice particles in COSMO model
- 17 4. Monte-Carlo Spectral Integration
- 22 5. New parametrization for vertical microphysical profiles in shallow cumulus
- 33 6. New shallow convection shutdown scheme
- 48 7. Implementation of CAMS forecasted aerosols in COSMO radiation and microphysics schemes
- 70 8. Implementation of ICON-ART forecasted dust in COSMO radiation scheme
- 77 9. Verifications of the new COSMO radiation scheme in clear skies and cloudy skies conditions
- 85 10. Testing and tuning of the new cloud-radiation scheme
- 89 11. Acknowledgements
- 90 12. References
- 98 List of COSMO Newsletters and Technical Reports
- 103 COSMO Technical Reports