Technical report / RADAR_MIE_LM and RADAR_MIELIB calculation of radar reflectivity from model output / Deutscher Wetterdienst ; Ulrich Blahak. [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], January 2016
Technical reportRADAR_MIE_LM and RADAR_MIELIB calculation of radar reflectivity from model output
- 2 Contents
- 5 1. Preface
- 6 2. Introduction
- 7 3. Factors contributing to the radar "bright band"
- 7 4. Theoretical basis
- 18 5. Routines in radar_mielib
- 54 6. radar mie lm: Interface functions for the LM
- 68 7. Backscattering cross sections of dry ice particles
- 73 8. Backscattering cross sections for melting ice particles relative to the massequivalent water drop
- 168 9. Index of the Figures of Section 8
- 176 References