Technical report / The COSMO priority project conservative dynamical core : final report / Consortium for small-scale modelling (COSMO). M. Baldauf ... Offenbach a. M. : DWD, 2013
Technical reportThe COSMO priority project conservative dynamical core
- 2 Contents
- 5 1. Introduction
- 7 2. Dry benchmark experiments with the anelastic EULAG model
- 23 3. Moist benchmark experiments with the anelastic EULAG model
- 40 4. Semi-realistic ow over the Alps with the anelastic EULAG model
- 56 5. Semi-realistic ow over the Alps with the COSMO-EULAG model
- 69 6. MPDATA as an alternative tracer advection scheme
- 86 7. Normal mode analysis of anelastic and compressible equation sets
- 96 8. The finite volume implicit solver CONSOL
- 113 9. Acknowledgement