Technical report / Evaluation of the performance of the COSMO-LEPS system / by Chiara Marsigli ... Offenbach am Main : DWD, 2005
Technical reportEvaluation of the performance of the COSMO-LEPS system
- 1 Contens
- 2 1. Introduction
- 3 2. Statistical analysis of the methodology
- 5 3. Objective verification
- 14 4. Parallel suite with model perturbations
- 18 5. COSMO-LEPS Subjective verification - Contribution by ARPAL, Genova, Italy (David Sacchetti)
- 25 6. Use of COSMO-LEPS at MeteoSwiss - Contribution by MeteoSwiss, Zürich, Switzerland (Andre' Walser and Marco Arpagaus)
- 30 7. Could the COSMO-LEPS system add value to operational forecasts of the DWD in the case of severe weather? - Contribution by the Forecast unit of the DWD in 2004 (Thomas Schumann)
- 36 8. Conclusions