- TitelAstronomical observations : observations of a lunar Eclipse, Nov. 2d, 1789, and of the transit of Mercury over the Sun's disk. Nov. 5th the fame year, made at thte University of William and Mary, By the Revd Dr. James Madison / communicated by David Rittenhouse
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- BeteiligtMadison, James [Sonstige]
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- Erschienen1793
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Zum Zitieren der Quelle finden Sie folgend die empfohlene Quellenangabe. - QuellenangabeTransactions of the American Philosophical Society / Astronomical observations : observations of a lunar Eclipse, Nov. 2d, 1789, and of the transit of Mercury over the Sun's disk. Nov. 5th the fame year, made at thte University of William [...] / communicated by David Rittenhouse. In: Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 1793. / Gemeinfrei