- TitelPhilosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : giving some accounts of the present undertakings, studies, and labours, of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world
- Institution
- ErschienenLondon : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 1.1665/66 - 12.1677/79; 13.1683 - 177.1886, 1665-1886
- ErscheinungsfrequenzUnknown
- Erscheinungsweise1.1665/66 - 46.1749/50 = Nr. 1-497; teils. ohne Bd.-Zählung
- AnmerkungRepr.: New York, NY : Johnson; Nendeln : Kraus; Amsterdam : Graaf & Israel; Wittenberg : Universität, 1768-1968
- Bibl. ReferenzIndex 12/17.1677/93 in 17.1693
- Schlagwörter
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- Archiv
- PDFThe variation of the compass : containing 1719 observations to, in, and from the East Indies, Guinea, West Indies, and Mediterranean, with the latitudes and longitudes at the time of observations ; the longitude for the most part reckoned from the Meridian of London, if otherwise, it is taken notice of in the margin / by Robert Douglass