- TitelVox Lunaris : Being A Philosophical & Astrological Discourse of Two Moons Which were seen at London And the parts Adjacent, June the Eleventh 1679. a little before Midnight. And what may in a Course of Nature be expected from this Phasma in Europe. With some particular Remarques upon the Conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, and of the Eclipses in Gemini, &c. for 120 years last past / By John Partridge Student in Physick and Astrology, Tunc erunt signa in Luna & Syderibus
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- Umfang3 ungezählte Blätter, 17 Seiten 4°
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Zum Zitieren der Quelle finden Sie folgend die empfohlene Quellenangabe. - QuellenangabeVox Lunaris : Being A Philosophical & Astrological Discourse of Two Moons Which were seen at London And the parts Adjacent, June the Eleventh 1679. a little before Midnight. [...] / By John Partridge Student in Physick and Astrology, Tunc erunt signa in Luna & Syderibus. London : Printed for William Bromwich at the Three Bibles, over against St. Martins Church within Ludgate, 1679. / Gemeinfrei