10 Titel
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Account Of A New Hygrometer
Luc, Jean André deLondon : Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, MDCCLXXIV - Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar.
Curious Enquiries Being Six Brief Discourses
Viz. I. Of the Longitude, II. The Tricks of Astrological Quacks, III. Of the Depth of the Sea, IV. Of Tobacco, V. Of Europes being too full of People, VI. The various Opinions concerning the Time of Keeping the SabbathLondon : Printed, and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor, near Stationers Hall, 1688 - Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar.
- Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar.
An o-Yes from the court of heaven to the northern nations
By The Streaming Lights that have appeared of late Years in the Air; or Mathematical Reasons, Shewing, That the said lights, &c. are no less than supernatural. Presented to the Royal Society and OthersJ. WLondon : printed for the author, and sold at the writing-school in Sun-Street, without Bishopsgate, 1741 - Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar.
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London
giving some accounts of the present undertakings, studies, and labours, of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the worldRoyal Society <London>London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 1.1665/66 - 12.1677/79; 13.1683 - 177.1886 - Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar.
Strange and Terrible NEWS from Alton in Hamp-Shire: Being a Full and True Account of a Dreadful Tempest Which happened there by Thunder And Lightning December, [...]
[witnessed by William Hamman ; John Deane ; William Constance]Hamman, William ; Deane, John ; Constance, WilliamLondon : sold by Randall Taylor, 1687 - Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar.
The Causes Of Heat And Cold In The Several Climates and Situations of this Globe
so far as they depend upon the Rays of the Sun, Considered In Order to shew that the Difference of Heat and Cold in other Countries may be nearly ascertained by a Thermometer : as it was Read to the Royal SocietySheldrake, TimothyLondon : Printed for and sold by the Author at the Black-boy in the Strand near St. Martins-Lane, and by M. Cooper in Pater-noster-Row, M DCC LVI - Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar.
The Dreadful Signs of Christ's Second Coming, Calmly Considered
Containing I. Observations upon the Scripture Prophecies, as they seem parallel'd to the Signs of the present Times, II. A shor[t] Account of the Comet expected, according ot Sir Isaac Newton's System, in 1758, III. A short History of the most remarkable Comets, Earthquakes, &c. which have happened in Great Britain, for upwards of a thousand Years, and their fatal Consequences : With Particular and serious Reflections upon the Whole; very proper to be read by every BodyThe Second Edition; in which a Mistake concerning the great Comet, is corrected, London : Printed by T. Bailey in Leaden-hall-Street, 1756 - Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar.
Vox Lunaris
Being A Philosophical & Astrological Discourse of Two Moons Which were seen at London And the parts Adjacent, June the Eleventh 1679. a little before Midnight. And what may in a Course of Nature be expected from this Phasma in Europe. With some particular Remarques upon the Conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, and of the Eclipses in Gemini, &c. for 120 years last pastPartridge, JohnLondon : Printed for William Bromwich at the Three Bibles, over against St. Martins Church within Ludgate, 1679 - Das Dokument ist frei verfügbar.
The World's Catastrophe, or, Europes many Mutations untill, 1666
The Fate of Englands Monarchy untill its Subversion, Government of the VVorld under God by the seven Planetery Angels; their Names, Times of Government. An exact Type of the Three Svns seen in Cheshire and Shropshire, 3. april 1647. Their Signification and Portent, Astrologically handledLilly, WilliamLondon : printed for John Partridge, and Humphrey Blunden ; London : sold at Cock, 1647